Apply for the HERS Leadership Institute

The HLI is a transformational leadership development program for higher ed professionals, founded to fill leadership pipelines across the United States with dynamic leaders. 

LEARN MORE ABOUT Next Stages Next Steps

HERS has partnered with Academic Search  to help women and people who are gender diverse secure executive-level leadership positions in higher education through the NSNS program. Registration is open for the August 2024 session, held in Chicago, IL. 


HERS has partnered with Academic Search to offer an accessible, affordable, executive coaching program that includes coaching by a Senior Executive Coach in a group of peers in similar roles and positions at different institutions. 

Learn more about Leading From the Middle

Learn more about this new, five-part workshop series that dives into leading and building teams, motivating and leading at all levels, and managing and resolving conflict.

I learned so much from the HERS Leadership Institute and my required interviews with senior leadership at my institution. I knew that I wanted to pursue a leadership position on campus in the future, but HERS made me realize that I could and should do it now. I was so inspired by the experience that I applied for a position on campus that became open right after I completed the program, and I got it! It will be a sharp learning curve stepping into this role at this time, but I welcome the challenge."
Dr. Malika Jefferies-EL
Dr. Malika Jefferies-EL
Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences at Boston University
HERS Leadership Institute alum, Wellesley Weekend 2019-2020


Higher education can reshape society for the better if it is led by diverse voices that reflect the diverse world it serves. HERS trains those leaders to transform the higher education sector and the generations of students who pass through its doors.

HERS is a connector, gathering and galvanizing its extraordinary network of over 6,000 program alums to provide support, advice, and mentorship to one another.

HERS is a change agent, accelerating systemic shifts in higher education by training the future of higher education leadership through a wide range of programming.

HERS is a thought leader, designing new ways to shape leadership curricula and providing opportunities for ongoing research, partnerships, and collaboration.

Hers Network

Meet Our Alums

HERS alums are faculty and administrators who generally hold mid- to -senior level positions when they start the program and support our mission of inclusive and equitable change for higher education.

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Job Board

Many of the best job opportunities can only be found through networking and “who you know.” In the small world of higher education, this is especially true.

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Get In touch

(303) 871-6866