HERS Stands in Solidarity with AAC&U on the US Supreme Court’s Decision on Race-Conscious Admissions

HERS elevates this message from the leadership of American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) to show that we stand in solidarity with our colleagues at this organization, and across the U.S. who are enraged and disappointed by this Supreme Court decision to prohibit the use of race as a factor in college admissions. 

In light of this decision by the Supreme Court, HERS will double down in our efforts of preparing bold leaders—with a focus on women and gender-diverse individuals—to seek innovative solutions and approaches to addressing issues of inequity in academia, and in society more broadly—who place equity at the core of their leadership practice. HERS seeks to advance leaders who advocate for equitable opportunities for ALL to thrive in higher education, no matter what their demographic and social backgrounds (e.g., race/ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, religion), that have led to their experiences with discrimination and marginalization—historically and currently.    

Thank you, AAC&U. HERS stands with you. 


Gloria D. Thomas, PhD
HERS President  

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