Dorine Lawrence-Hughes (coaching)

Dorine Lawrence-Hughes

Coaching Philosophy

I have a passion for working with those who are intentional about expanding their capacity for leadership and lifelong learning. I consider myself a strategic thought partner- effectively helping others work through the challenging realities of academic and corporate culture to gain strides in their personal and professional development.


As an attorney and educator, Dorine Lawrence-Hughes has been counseling and coaching leaders and managers for over 15 years. As a certified coach, she currently provides individual coaching, group coaching and leadership workshops for individuals and organizations. She is an executive leadership master coach for the University of Michigan system and facilitates leadership training for UCLA’s University Women’s Leadership Academy, a program she co-created. A strong proponent of peer coaching, Lawrence-Hughes often runs mastermind groups and leadership bootcamps. Her most recent professional experience includes service as the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education at the University of Michigan and as a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Southern California. Her law practice focused on the representation of private corporations, non-profits, and public entities. In addition to a law degree from USC, Dorine Lawrence-Hughes also holds a doctorate from UCLA, an M.A. from CSU Northridge, and a B.A. from Whitman College.

Levels Coached: Early-Career Professionals, Mid-Managers, Senior Executives, VP, Provosts, etc.

Industry Experience: Corporate, Government, Higher Education, K-12